收稿日期: 2024-06-20
修回日期: 2024-09-12
网络出版日期: 2024-12-20
Phosphorous distribution patterns and release risks in the riparian zone sediments of the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River
Received date: 2024-06-20
Revised date: 2024-09-12
Online published: 2024-12-20
磷污染作为水系统的重要组成部分,过度积累会引起水体富营养化,而河岸带作为连接陆地与水体的过渡区域,其对于控制磷的流失至关重要。故采用SMT法及Psenner分级提取法研究了黄河兰州段河岸带沉积物中的磷形态及分布特征,再结合平衡浓度评价法、单因子及生物有效磷污染指数评价法对磷释放风险进行了研究。结果表明:研究区沉积物总磷平均含量处于较高水平(1240.07 mg∙kg-1),其中磷形态以无机磷为主,而无机磷则以钙磷主要赋存形态。研究区沉积物磷平衡浓度均高于上覆水溶解性活性磷浓度,这表明沉积物是作为上覆水的“磷源”存在的;而根据磷的单因子污染指数及生物有效磷污染指数评价结果可知,尽管该地区总磷污染以重度污染为主,但区域内生物有效磷污染评价结果显示,黄河兰州段的磷生态污染状况相对较好。
王若凡 , 刘雨欣 , 李佩钢 , 唐悦 , 谢微 . 黄河兰州段河岸带沉积物磷的形态分布及释放风险[J]. 干旱区研究, 2024 , 41(12) : 2035 -2044 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.12.06
Phosphorus pollution is a significant concern in aquatic systems, as excessive accumulation can lead to eutrophication. The riparian zone, a vital transitional area between land and water, is crucial for mitigating phosphorous loss. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the forms and distribution characteristics of phosphorus in the sediments of the riparian zone along the Yellow River in Lanzhou using the SMT method and the Psenner classification extraction method. Additionally, we assessed the risk of phosphorus release using the balance concentration assessment method, single-factor analysis, and the bioavailable phosphorus pollution index. The results indicate that the average total phosphorus content in the sediments of the study area is relatively high, measuring 1240.07 mg∙kg-1, with inorganic phosphorus as the dominant form, primarily calcium phosphorus. The phosphorus balance concentration in the sediments exceeds that of dissolved reactive phosphorus in the overlying water, indicating that the sediments act as a “phosphorus source” for the overlying water. Furthermore, evaluations of the single-factor pollution index and the bioavailable phosphorus pollution index reveal that while total phosphorus pollution in the area is primarily classified as heavy, the ecological pollution status of phosphorus in the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River is relatively good.
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