收稿日期: 2022-01-22
修回日期: 2022-03-15
网络出版日期: 2022-10-25
Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Erodium oxyrrhynchum spring/autumn-germinated plants and seeds
Received date: 2022-01-22
Revised date: 2022-03-15
Online published: 2022-10-25
以古尔班通古特沙漠具有春/秋萌现象的早春短命植物尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrhinchum)为材料,通过分析春/秋萌植株及子代种子的生物学和生理生化特性,重点探讨尖喙牻牛儿苗春/秋萌间的表型可塑性及繁殖策略差异。结果表明:(1) 冬季尖喙牻牛儿苗秋萌株通过脯氨酸和可溶性糖的积累来抵御胁迫伤害;(2) 胁迫环境中,春萌株主要依靠超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT) 清理活性氧(ROS)产生的毒害,而秋萌株主要依靠过氧化物酶(POD)和CAT清理毒害;(3) 抗性综合评价表明,秋萌株抗性大于春萌株;(4) 单株秋萌株种子数量超60粒,种子百粒重为0.323±0.0026 g;单株春萌株种子量在20粒左右,种子百粒重为0.376±0.0014 g;(5) 对春/秋萌株种子的各项指标进行相关性分析发现,在高低温胁迫下,种子4种内含物含量与抗氧化酶体系呈显著正相关。此外,春萌株种子的油菜素内酯(brassinosteroid, BR)含量与3种抗氧化酶呈显著负相关,而秋萌株种子BR含量与抗氧化酶呈显著正相关;(6) 种子性状网络关系分析表明,持续的高低温胁迫对尖喙牻牛儿苗种子网络复杂性产生影响,且春萌株种子网络复杂程度高于秋萌株种子;在胁迫环境下,春萌株种子各项生理生化指标间的相关性更强。总体而言,尖喙牻牛儿苗秋萌株具有更强的抗性,趋向产生多而小的种子,进而使子代具有更多的遗传多样性,提高物种对环境的适应能力;春萌株抗性较弱,产生数量少但质量大且稳定性强的种子,有助于幼苗在胁迫环境下的生存。这种灵活的适应策略体现了尖喙牻牛儿苗的表型可塑性及春/秋萌株间不同的生存繁殖策略。
卡吾沙尔·库都斯 , 刘会良 , 张岚 , 迪力夏旦木·塔什买买提 . 尖喙牻牛儿苗春/秋萌植株及子代种子的生理生化特性[J]. 干旱区研究, 2022 , 39(5) : 1473 -1485 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.05.12
Erodium oxyrrhynchum is a dominant hygroscopic plant in Gbandonggut Desert, which can be germinated in different seasons. In this research, the biological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of its parent plants and seeds were analyzed, and the phenotypic plasticity and reproductive strategy differences of hygroscopic seedlings were investigated. Results showed that (1) autumn-germinated plants of E. oxyrrhynchum can resist stress injury by accumulating proline and soluble sugar in winter. (2) In the stress environment, spring-germinated plants were primarily dependent on SOD and CAT to clean up the toxicity caused by ROS, whereas autumn-germinated plants were primarily dependent on POD and CAT to clean up the toxicity. (3) The comprehensive evaluation of resistance showed that the resistance of autumn-germinated plants was higher than that of spring-germinated plants. (4) The number of seeds per autumn-germinated plant was over 60, and the 100-seed weight was 0.323 ± 0.0026 g. The number of seeds per spring-germinated plant was approximately 20, and the 100-seed weight was 0.376 ± 0.0014 g. (5) Correlation analysis of various indexes of seeds of spring/autumn-germinated plants showed that under high and low-temperature stress, the content of the four kinds of seed included in this study was significantly and positively correlated with the antioxidant enzyme system. In addition, the BR content of seeds of spring-germinated plants was significantly and negatively correlated with three antioxidant enzymes, whereas the BR content of seeds of autumn-germinated plants was significantly and positively correlated with the antioxidant enzyme system. (6) Analysis of the seed character network showed that continuous high and low-temperature stress affected the complexity of the seed network of E. oxyrrhynchum, and the complexity of the seed network of spring-germinated plants was higher than that of autumn-germinated plants. Under stress, the physiological and biochemical indexes of the seeds of spring-germinated plants were strongly correlated. In general, autumn-germinated plants of E. oxyrrhynchum had stronger resistance, and they tended to produce more and smaller seeds. Therefore, the progeny can have more genetic diversity, and it can improve the adaptability of the species to the environment. Spring-germinated plants were less resistant, and they produced fewer seeds with high quality and stability, which could improve seedling establishment under stress.
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