

  • 新疆特殊环境物种保护与调控生物学自治区重点实验室,干旱区植物逆境生物学实验室,新疆师范大学生命科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054
桑钰(1995-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事植物生态研究. E-mail: 1013200771@qq.com

收稿日期: 2020-05-11

  修回日期: 2020-07-24

  网络出版日期: 2021-03-05



Effects of drought stress and arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi on root growth, nitrogen absorption, and distribution of two desert riparian plant seedlings

  • Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Special Specis Conservation and Regulatory Biology in Autonomous Region, Key Laboratory of Plant Stess Biology in Arid Land, College of Life Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, Xingjiang, China

Received date: 2020-05-11

  Revised date: 2020-07-24

  Online published: 2021-03-05


丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi,AMF)对植物抗旱、养分吸收等有重要作用,但在特定环境胁迫下不同生活型植物对AMF的响应存在差异。本文以塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林的优势灌木多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)和常见半灌木疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)为研究对象,分析了干旱胁迫处理下(对照组土壤相对含水量为70%±5%、实验组土壤相对含水量为20%±5%)接种AMF(对照组不接菌M-、实验组接菌M+)对多枝柽柳与疏叶骆驼刺混合种植(对照组单一种植)根系生长状况和氮素吸收分配的影响。结果表明:(1) 植物遭受干旱胁迫时,多枝柽柳幼苗和疏叶骆驼刺菌根侵染率均降低了,混合种植显著增加了多枝柽柳幼苗的菌根侵染率(P<0.05);(2) 干旱胁迫下,混合种植M+处理显著增加了多枝柽柳幼苗的地上、地下生物量;(3) 干旱胁迫下,AMF使不同种植模式下两种植物的细根根长和细根表面积均显著增加,使疏叶骆驼刺的比根长显著减小,且混合种植M+处理显著减小了多枝柽柳幼苗的细根比根长;(4) 相比单一种植,干旱胁迫下AMF显著增加了混合种植多枝柽柳幼苗的氮摄取量和地上部分氮分配比率。因此,AMF对于干旱胁迫下与疏叶骆驼刺混生的多枝柽柳幼苗的生长和氮素吸收具有明显的补偿作用,能够帮助塔里木河下游多枝柽柳幼苗较好地度过生长脆弱期。


桑钰,高文礼,再努尔·吐尔逊,范雪,马晓东 . 干旱胁迫下AMF对多枝柽柳幼苗和疏叶骆驼刺根系生长和氮素吸收分配的影响[J]. 干旱区研究, 2021 , 38(1) : 247 -256 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.01.26


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play an essential role in plants’ drought resistance and nutrient absorption. We studied the dominant shrub, T. ramosissima, and the common subshrub, Alhagi sparsifolia, in the desert riparian forest in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. The inoculation of AMF under drought stress management (CK and S, soil relative water contents of 70% ± 5% and 20% ± 5%) and the single (TR, AS) and mixed planting (TR + AS) modes was analyzed. Also, the effects of inoculation and non-inoculation of AMF on the growth and root characteristics of T. ramosissima and A. sparsifolia were compared. The results showed that (1) under drought stress, the mycorrhizal infection rate of T. ramosissima and A. sparsifolia decreased, and the mycorrhizal infection rate of T. ramosissima seedlings increased significantly under mixed planting. (2) Under drought stress, the under-and aboveground biomass of T. ramosissima seedlings increased significantly under mixed planting. (3) Under drought stress, AM significantly increased the roots’ length and surface area of their fine roots under different planting modes and significantly reduced the specific root length of the A. sparsifolia. Also, the ratio of fine roots to root length of T. ramosissima seedlings under M+ treatment was significantly reduced. (4) Compared with single planting, AMF significantly increased the nitrogen intake and distribution ratio in the aboveground part of T. ramosissima seedlings under drought stress. Therefore, AMF has a compensatory effect on the growth and nitrogen absorption of T. ramosissima seedlings mixed with A. sparsifolia under drought stress, which is beneficial for T. ramosissima seedlings in the lower reaches of the Tarim River to survive the fragile growth period.


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