
  • (1. 宁夏大学西北退化生态系统恢复与重建教育部重点实验室,宁夏银川750021; 2. 宁夏大学西北土地退化与生态系统恢复省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,宁夏银川750021)
曹媛(1997-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为土地退化与生态恢复. E-mail: caoyuan0223@163.com

收稿日期: 2020-04-22

  修回日期: 2020-06-27

  网络出版日期: 2021-01-24



Effects of Caragana intermedia on soil particles in desertified grassland

  • (1. Key Laboratory for Degenerated Ecosystem in Northwest China under the Ministry of Education, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China; 2. Breeding Base for State Key Laboratory of Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration in Northwest China, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China)

Received date: 2020-04-22

  Revised date: 2020-06-27

  Online published: 2021-01-24


在干旱地区通过人工灌木的引入治理沙化草地是一种广泛存在的生态治理措施。人工灌木可以通过其 防风固沙作用,稳定地表环境,从而促进沙化草地的修复。柠条是荒漠草原常见的一种治沙用灌木,其引入多年后 对沙化草地土壤修复的效果到底如何,依然缺乏区域性的总结分析。采用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法, 通过对宁夏中部人工柠条林地和沙化草地的土壤颗粒含量以及灌丛和斑块尺度土壤黏粒的相对富集能力分析,探 讨了柠条引入对沙化草地土壤颗粒组分的影响,以期为同类地区沙化土地的恢复提供决策参考。初步研究结果表 明,人工柠条林和沙化草地间土壤颗粒含量差异均不显著。在灌丛尺度上,阴坡土壤黏粒的富集能力相对较强,平 均富集率为0.11,最大值达到1.09,整体以正效应为主,尤其以研究区北部的阴坡最为显著,南部土壤黏粒的富集能 力显著减弱;阳坡土壤黏粒的富集能力整体以负效应为主,平均富集率为-0.08;在斑块尺度上,土壤黏粒的富集能 力整体显著低于灌丛尺度,阴坡仍以正效应为主,但富集率显著降低;阳坡仍以负效应为主,但负效应程度显著增 强,平均富集率为-0.17。综上,柠条引入作为荒漠草原沙化草地治理的一个重要工程措施,其效果与土壤沙化本底 情况有关,同时又受到微生境(坡向)的影响。就本研究区域而言,柠条引入后只是推动了土壤黏粒物质在局域尺 度的空间再分配,并未导致黏粒物质总量的显著改善,甚至在一定程度上体现出灌丛入侵的负面效应,同时这种效 应随草地本底沙化程度的增强而增强。


曹媛, 杨新国, 陈林, 王兴, 宋乃平, 王磊 . 柠条引入对沙化草地土壤颗粒组分的影响[J]. 干旱区研究, 2020 , 37(6) : 1437 -1446 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2020.06.08


Introduction of artificial shrubs in arid area is a common ecological restoration measure. Artificial shrubs can stabilize soil surface environment and promote restoration of desertified land through its function of warding off wind and fixing sand. Caragana intermedia is a typical xeric shrub for sand control in desertified land. However, the effect of C. intermedia on desertified grassland after years of introduction is still lacking in terms of regional summary and analysis. By adopting methods of classical statistics and geostatistics, we divided the typical desert steppe located in central Ningxia into 37 spatial grids, sizing 20 km×20 km each and selecting 4 sample plots in each grid, which totals up to 148 sample plots, in accordance with different varieties of vegetation (C. intermedia and desertified grassland) and slope direction (northern and southern slope). With these data, we compared the desertified grassland and grassland with C. intermedia (artificial C. intermedia plantations) in terms of soil particle composition. We then analyzed the effect on soil particle composition and clay enrichment capacity both in desertified grassland and artificial C. intermedia plantations in designated area, with the aim of providing decisionmaking reference for restoration of desertified land of similar type. Preliminary research result shows that there is no significant difference in soil particle composition between artificial C. intermedia plantations and desertified grassland. On the shrub scale, the enrichment capacity of clay is relatively higher at the northern slope of artificial C. intermedia plantations, with a rate of 0.11 on average and maximum rate of 1.09 and with northern slope in the north part of the study area; whereas, the rate in the south part gradually descends and, by contrast, its enrichment capacity at southern slope is mostly in the negative, with an average of -0.08. Compared with shrub scale, enrichment capacity of clay is significantly lower on the patch scale; ratio at the northern slope is still in positive, but decreases sharply, while that of the southern slope is in the negative with an enhancing tendency and an average of -0.17. In conclusion, the introduction of C. intermedia is an important engineering measure for restoring desertified grassland in desert steppe and its effect not only relates to desertified degree of the soil, but also relates to micro-habitat (slope direction). So, far, as the area under study is concerned, C. intermedia’s effect after its introduction, instead of significantly enhancing the area’s clay content, it spatially promoted clay redistribution. To a certain extent, it demonstrated a negative effect as a result of the shrub encroachment; and such negative effect would be strengthened with increases in desertified degree of the soil in desert steppe.


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