收稿日期: 2024-05-26
修回日期: 2024-08-14
网络出版日期: 2024-12-20
Hydrochemical properties and genetic mechanisms of high-fluoride groundwater in the Irtysh River Basin Plain, Xinjiang
Received date: 2024-05-26
Revised date: 2024-08-14
Online published: 2024-12-20
为探明新疆额尔齐斯河流域平原区地下水水化学控制因素及高氟水成因,2018年在该流域采集地下水样70组。分析水化学组分及氟的空间分布特征,解析高氟水的形成机制和富集机制,基于绝对因子分析-多元线性回归模型定量计算不同因素对流域地下水水化学组分的贡献。结果表明:(1) 研究区地下水整体为中性偏弱碱性,额尔齐斯河以北以淡水为主,额尔齐斯河以南以微咸水为主,额尔齐斯河以北与以南地下水F-超标率分别为27.91%和44.44%。额尔齐斯河以北与以南地下水化学类型均以HCO3·SO4-Na·Ca型为主。(2) SOM结果表明,F-可能来源于多种元素混合的含氟矿物;APCS-MLR模型得出,研究区地下水化学组分的形成主要受到溶滤-富集(58.03%)、地下水酸碱度(16.28%)和原生地质环境(10.28%)的影响。(3) 矿物溶解沉淀、蒸发浓缩作用、岩石风化和阳离子交换作用是控制高氟地下水形成的主要因素;地下水环境、气候因素、地形地貌和人类活动是控制高氟地下水富集的主要因素。
关键词: 地下水; 水化学; 氟富集; 额尔齐斯河流域平原区
郑钰 , 孙英 , 周金龙 , 李如跃 . 新疆额尔齐斯河流域平原区地下水水化学特征及高氟水成因机制[J]. 干旱区研究, 2024 , 41(12) : 2056 -2070 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.12.08
In this study, we explored the chemical control factors influencing groundwater and the causes of high-fluoride concentrations in the Irtysh River Basin plain, Xinjiang. In 2018, 70 groundwater samples were collected to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of hydrochemical components and fluoride. The mechanisms behind the formation and enrichment of the high-fluoride water were also examined. Using an absolute factor analysis-multiple linear regression model (APCS-MLR), we quantitatively assessed the contributions of various factors to the hydrochemical components of groundwater in the basin. The results show the following: (1) The groundwater in the study area is generally neutral and slightly alkaline. The north of the Irtysh River is dominated by fresh water, while the south is dominated by brackish water. The rates of fluoride exceedance in the north and south of the Irtysh River are 27.91% and 44.44%, respectively. The primary chemical type of groundwater in both areas is HCO3·SO4-Na·Ca type. (2) The results of the SOM analysis suggest that fluoride may be derived from fluorine-containing minerals mixed with various elements. The APCS-MLR model indicates that the formation of groundwater chemical components in the study area is mainly affected by leaching enrichment (58.03%), groundwater pH (16.28%), and the primary geological environment (10.28%). (3) The primary factors influencing the formation of high-fluoride groundwater include mineral dissolution and precipitation, evaporation and concentration, rock weathering, and cation exchange. Additionally, the groundwater environment, climatic factors, topography, and human activities significantly contribute to the enrichment of high-fluoride groundwater.
Key words: groundwater; hydrochemistry; fluorine enrichment; Irtysh River Basin Plain
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