收稿日期: 2023-12-29
修回日期: 2024-03-23
网络出版日期: 2024-08-01
Identification and optimization strategy of an ecological network in Inner Mongolia based on “service importance-habitat sensitivity-biodiversity”
Received date: 2023-12-29
Revised date: 2024-03-23
Online published: 2024-08-01
识别生态空间质量,构建区域保护网络对于优化生境布局、提高生态环境承载力以及维持生态系统稳定性具有重要意义。以内蒙古为例,研究构建“服务重要性-生态敏感性-生物多样性”的保护网络识别框架,基于生态系统服务重要性与生态敏感性评价识别生态源地。在此基础上,耦合现有自然保护地体系,利用最小累积阻力模型识别重要生态廊道,构建内蒙古保护网络。通过分析生态廊道与基础设施的空间叠置关系,提取待优化的生态踏脚石与生态障碍点。结果表明:(1) 内蒙古Ⅰ级生态源地面积3.80×104 km2,占研究区总面积的3.21%,与生态保护红线重合度较高。(2) 在自然保护地和Ⅰ级生态源地的基础上,识别潜在生态廊道共84条,总长度约为15910 km,结合生态源地、潜在廊道和鸟类迁徙廊道构建内蒙古保护网络。(3) 识别5条鸟类迁徙廊道、10处踏脚石优质生境建设点和81处生态障碍修复点。研究结果为内蒙古生态保护修复工程中物种迁移和能量流动网络的管理建设提供数据支持和位置参考。
刘鑫 , 王利群 , 李昊然 , 李永红 , 乔文光 , 李丽娟 , 王晨旭 . 基于“服务重要性-生态敏感性-生物多样性”的内蒙古生态网络识别及优化[J]. 干旱区研究, 2024 , 41(7) : 1207 -1216 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.07.12
The identification of ecological spatial quality and the construction of regional conservation networks are of great significance for optimizing habitat layout, improving ecological carrying capacity, and maintaining ecosystem stability. Taking the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as an example, this study constructed a conservation network identification framework of “service importance-habitat sensitivity-biodiversity” and identified ecological source areas by evaluating the ecosystem service importance and habitat sensitivity. Based on these findings, the study, coupled with the existing nature reserve system, utilized the Least Cumulative Resistance model to identify important ecological corridors and construct a conservation network in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The ecological stepping stones and obstacle points to be optimized were extracted by analyzing the spatial superposition relationship between ecological corridors and infrastructure. The results show that (1) the area of Class I ecological source sites in the region was 3.80×104 km2, accounting for 3.21% of the total study area, with a high degree of overlap with the red line of ecological protection. (2) A total of 84 potential ecological corridors were identified based on nature reserves and Class I ecological source sites, with a total length of 15910 km, and a combination of ecological source sites, potential corridors, and bird migratory corridors was used to construct the Inner Mongolia conservation network. (3) In total, five bird migration corridors, ten stepping-stone-quality habitat construction sites, and 81 ecological barrier repair sites were identified. These results can provide data support and location reference for the management and construction of species migration and energy flow networks in ecological protection and restoration projects in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
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