收稿日期: 2023-10-27
修回日期: 2024-02-07
网络出版日期: 2024-05-29
Effects of the regulation of water-salt-nitrogen on water-salt nutrient transport and yield in drip-irrigated cotton fields
Received date: 2023-10-27
Revised date: 2024-02-07
Online published: 2024-05-29
为明析覆膜滴灌条件下水盐氮调控对土壤水盐养分运移变化、棉花生长指标及产量的影响,通过两年三因素全组合大田试验,设置灌水量三水平(W1:2700 m3·hm-2、W2:3600 m3·hm-2和W3:4500 m3·hm-2)、含盐量三水平(S1:3 dS·m-1、S2:6 dS·m-1和S3:9 dS·m-1)、施氮量三水平(F1:105 kg·hm-2、F2:210 kg·hm-2和F3:315 kg·hm-2),研究了不同水盐氮组合对土壤水分、盐分、氮素分布及植株生长、产量的影响。结果表明:土壤水分主要聚集在30~40 cm土层,不同土层深度的含水率基本呈先增大后减小的变化趋势;蕾期和花铃期的S3F3W1和S2F3W1比S1F3W1的0~40 cm土层平均含水率增大1.3%~21.8%;同一灌溉量下S1F3组合的平均含水率比S1F2和S1F1增大1.39%~13.83%。土壤盐分生育期内呈现先减少后增加的变化趋势;S1土壤盐分随施氮量的增大而先增大后减小,S2、S3土壤盐分随施氮量的增加而减少。W2、W3处理中,氮素在40~60 cm土层中缓慢积聚;S1处理的氮素含量明显高于S2、S3。土壤水分、盐分、氮素含量交互影响,在适宜的土壤水分、氮素条件下,较低的土壤含盐量,能使植株更好地利用养分,利于植株的生长进而促进产量的形成。为获得较高的经济效益,低、中盐土壤推荐灌溉量为3600 m3·hm-2,施氮量为210 kg·hm-2;高盐土壤推荐灌溉量为4500 m3·hm-2,施氮量为315 kg·hm-2。研究为探索干旱区多年膜下滴灌棉花农田生态系统水盐养分运移机制及水肥高效利用提供科学的理论依据。
张紫淇 , 杨丽莉 , 何新林 , 李小龙 . 滴灌水盐氮调控对棉田水肥盐运移及棉花产量的影响[J]. 干旱区研究, 2024 , 41(5) : 876 -893 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.05.15
The effects of water, salt, and nitrogen (N) regulation on changes in the soil water, transport of salt nutrients, and growth indices and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) were analyzed under drip irrigation covered by film. A two-year three-factor full-combination field experiment was conducted to study the effects of three levels of irrigation (W1: 2700 m3·hm-2, W2: 3600 m3·hm-2, and W3: 4500 m3·hm-2), salinity (S1: 3 dS·m-1, S2: 6 dS·m-1, and S3: 9 dS·m-1), and N (F1: 105 kg·hm-2, F2: 210 kg·hm-2, and F3: 315 kg·hm-2). The effects of different combinations of water-salt-nitrogen on soil moisture, salinity, N distribution, plant growth, and yield were investigated. The results showed the following: the soil moisture was mainly located in the 30-40 cm soil layer, and the water content of different soil depths essentially first increased and then decreased. The average water content of the 0-40 cm soil layer in the bud and boll stages of S3F3W1 and S2F3W1 increased by 1.3%-21.8% compared with that of S1F3W1, and the average water content of the combination of S1F3 increased by 1.39%-13.83% compared with those of S1F2 and S1F1 under the same amount of irrigation. The soil salinity tended to decrease and then increase during the fertile period. The S1 treatment increased and then decreased the soil salinity as N application increased, and the soil salinity in S2 and S3 decreased as the N application increased. The N content was significantly higher with the F3 treatment than F1 or F2. In the W2 and W3 treatments, N slowly accumulated in the 40-60 cm soil layer, and the N content was significantly higher with the S1 treatment than S2 or S3. The soil moisture, salinity, and N content interacted; under appropriate soil moisture and N conditions, lower soil salinity enabled the plants to utilize nutrients more efficiently, which facilitated their growth, and thus enhanced yield. To obtain high economic benefit, the recommended rate of irrigation for low and medium saline soils is 3600 m3·hm-2 and the rate of N is 210 kg·hm-2. For highly saline soils, the recommended rate of irrigation is 4500 m3·hm-2 and the rate of N is 315 kg·hm-2. This study provides a theoretical basis to explore the mechanism of water and salt nutrient transport and the efficient use of water and fertilizer in cotton farmland ecosystems under multiyear drip irrigation under a membrane in arid areas.
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