收稿日期: 2023-08-17
修回日期: 2023-09-21
网络出版日期: 2024-01-24
Characteristics of the wind-sand environment along the Tumshuk-Kunyu Desert Highway in the western Tarim Basin
Received date: 2023-08-17
Revised date: 2023-09-21
Online published: 2024-01-24
为了摸清在建图木舒克—昆玉沙漠公路沿线的风沙环境特征,根据沙漠公路沿线风沙要素特征有针对性地进行风沙防护工程实践,采用现场踏勘、结合ERA5风速数据以及卫星影像数据,对图木舒克—昆玉沙漠公路沿线风沙活动规律进行分析。结果表明:公路沿线年平均风速在3.03~3.28 m·s-1,年均起沙风速在5.85~6.10 m·s-1,年起沙风频率在16.87%~21.41%。起沙风集中处在春、夏季,4—8月是一年中起沙风频率最高的月份,公路沿线以偏东风(NE,ENE,E,ESE)为主,麻扎塔格山以南偏西起沙风频高于以北。沿线年输沙势(DP)在99.77~145.30 VU,属低风能环境,中变率。麻扎塔格山南北两侧沙丘体积、密度差异明显,沿线沙丘移动速率在1.19~3.69 m·a-1,为中等移动速度,沙丘移动速率与沙丘垂直投影面积大小存在明显的负相关关系,移动方向范围在171.76°~192.53°,与合成输沙方向(RDD)基本吻合。麻扎塔格山以北防沙体系的设计以东侧为主,以南则要东西兼顾。
魏晋铭 , 程建军 , 马奔腾 . 塔里木盆地西部图木舒克—昆玉沙漠公路沿线风沙环境特征[J]. 干旱区研究, 2024 , 41(1) : 135 -146 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.01.13
To find out the characteristics of the wind-sand environment along the under-construction Tumushuk-Kunyu desert highway, the wind-sand protection engineering practice was carried out based on the attributes of wind-sand elements along the desert highway. The wind-sand activity law along the highway was analyzed and summarized by a field survey, ERA5 wind speed data, and satellite image information. The annual average wind speed along the highway was 3.03-3.28 m·s-1, the average yearly sand wind speed was 5.85-6.10 m·s-1, and the annual sand wind frequency was 16.87%-21.41%. The sand-driving wind was concentrated in the spring and summer. April-August was the period with the highest frequency of sand-driving wind in a year. The easterly wind (NE, ENE, E, and ESE) was the main wind along the highway. The frequency of sand-driving wind in the south and west of the Mazatag Mountains was higher than in the north. The annual sediment DP along the line was 99.77-145.30 VU, which belongs to a low wind energy environment and medium variability. The volume and density of the sand dunes on the northern and southern sides of Mazartag Mountain were significantly different. The moving rate of dunes along the line was 1.19-3.69 m·a-1, which was a medium moving speed. There is a significant negative correlation between the moving rate and the vertical projection area of the dunes. The moving direction ranged from 171.76° to 192.53°, consistent with the RDD. The design of the sand control system in the north of Mt. Mazatagh was mainly based on the east, and the south should consider both the east and the west.
Key words: desert highway; wind conditions; drift potential; dune migration; Taklimakan Desert
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