收稿日期: 2023-03-27
修回日期: 2023-06-15
网络出版日期: 2023-11-01
Spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and influencing factors of production-living-ecological spaces in the farming-pastoral ecotone: Taking Hohhot of Inner Mongolia as an example
Received date: 2023-03-27
Revised date: 2023-06-15
Online published: 2023-11-01
农牧交错区是我国北方重要生态安全屏障及粮食产地,探索其“三生”空间演变规律与影响因素对生态脆弱区国土空间优化及可持续发展具有重要意义。本文运用土地利用动态度、用地转移矩阵、地理探测器等方法研究2000—2020年内蒙古典型农牧交错区呼和浩特市“三生”空间演变特征及影响因素。结果表明:(1)研究期内呼和浩特市“三生”空间整体动态变化平缓(0.02%~0.04%),生态、农业生产、牧业生产空间趋减,生活、其他生产空间增加。(2)2000—2020年呼和浩特市“三生”空间格局变化显著,主要表现为城区外围生活空间侵占农牧业生产空间,土默川平原及北部、东南部丘陵地区农业生产、牧业生产、生态空间相互转换;(3)研究区生态、农业生产、牧业生产空间在前10 a相互转化剧烈,2010—2020年有所减缓;生活、其他生产空间呈净转入状态并在后10 a突增。(4)平均坡度是影响农牧业生产空间布局的主导因素(0.24~0.4),产业发展、人类活动和农业生产规模对当地空间格局影响较大,精细化治理背景下,政策引导的作用日益突出。
党慧 , 荣丽华 , 李伊彤 , 赵名君 . 农牧交错区三生空间时空演变特征与影响因素——以内蒙古呼和浩特市为例[J]. 干旱区研究, 2023 , 40(10) : 1698 -1706 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.10.16
The agropastoral ecotone is an important ecological security barrier and grain producing area in northern China. Elucidating the spatial evolution law and influencing factors of production-living-ecology spaces in the ecologically fragile areas for land space optimization and sustainable development is extremely important. In this study, the methods of land use dynamic degree, land transfer matrix, and geographical detector were used to explore the spatial evolution characteristics and influencing factors of production-living-ecological spaces in Hohhot, a typical farming-pastoral ecotone in Inner Mongolia, from 2000 to 2020. The results show that during the study period, the overall dynamic changes in the production-living-ecological space of Hohhot were gentle (0.02%-0.04%). The spaces for ecology, agricultural production, and animal husbandry decreased, while the spaces for life and other production increased. From 2000 to 2020, the spatial patterns for production-living-ecological in Hohhot changed significantly, and this was mainly manifested in the occupation of agricultural and animal husbandry production spaces by the living space outside the urban area, and the mutual transformation of agricultural production, animal husbandry, and ecological spaces in the Tumochuan Plain and its northern and southeastern hilly areas. During the study period, the mutual transformation of ecological, agricultural, and livestock production spaces was intense, but this decreased after 2010. Living spaces and other production spaces were in a state of net inflow, especially in the latter decades. The average slope is the dominant factor affecting the spatial layout of agricultural and animal husbandry production (0.24-0.4). Industrial development, human activities and agricultural production scales have a greater impact on the local spatial patterns. Based on refined governance, the role of policy guidance is increasingly prominent.
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