收稿日期: 2023-01-04
修回日期: 2023-02-21
网络出版日期: 2023-08-24
New records of Amaranthus in Xinjiang
Received date: 2023-01-04
Revised date: 2023-02-21
Online published: 2023-08-24
通过对北疆、东疆杂草的野外实地调查,利用《中国植物志》等相关资料和形态分类学研究方法,本团队在阿勒泰、伊犁、昌吉、塔城和哈密等地区发现苋属Amaranthus外来杂草新记录植物4种。本研究发现,新疆苋属Amaranthus 3个新记录种和1个新记录变种,即绿穗苋Amaranthus hybridus L.、鲍氏苋A. powellii S. Watson、皱果苋A. viridis L.和短苞反枝苋A. retroflexus L. var. delilei (Richter & Loret) Thell.。绿穗苋在伊犁新源县、乌鲁木齐市、哈密市均有小居群分布;皱果苋在乌苏车排子垦区、吐鲁番市高昌区、哈密市伊州区等地有多个居群分布;鲍氏苋仅在哈密市巴里坤县有分布;短苞反枝苋仅在石河子市有少量分布。这些新记录植物的发现对新疆苋科苋属植物区系和物种多样性研究具有重要意义,也为该新记录种的地理分布研究、入侵杂草的扩散与有效监测提供了重要依据和新资料。
王超 , 马占仓 , 潘成南 , 吴星月 , 宋文丹 , 阎平 . 新疆苋属新记录植物[J]. 干旱区研究, 2023 , 40(8) : 1280 -1288 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.08.08
We found four new records of Amaranthus exotic weeds in Altay, Ili, Changji, Tacheng, and Hami during a field survey of weeds in northern and eastern Xinjiang. We recorded three species and one variety, respectively, of Amaranthus hybridus L., Amaranthus powelli S. Watson, Amaranthus viridis L., and Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. delilei (Richter & Loret) Thell that have not yet been found in this region. There are small populations of A. hybridus L. in Xinyuan, Yili, Urumqi, and Hami. A. viridis L. is only found in multiple populations in the Wusu Chepaizi reclamation area. A. retroflexus L. var. delilei (Richter & Loret) Thell. is only distributed in a small portion of Shihezi City. A. powellii S. Watson is only found in Balikun County, Hami City. The discovery of these newly recorded plants is of great significance to the study of the flora and species diversity of Amaranthus in Xinjiang, and also provides an important basis and new data for the study of their geographical distribution and of the spread and effective detection of invasive weeds. Specimens from the recorded species are kept in the Herbarium of Shihezi University.
Key words: Amaranthus; new record species; exotic weeds; Xinjiang
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