收稿日期: 2022-08-22
修回日期: 2023-01-19
网络出版日期: 2023-08-01
Spatial allocation pattern of near-natural vegetation for ecological restoration of abandoned mines in the Wula Mountains
Received date: 2022-08-22
Revised date: 2023-01-19
Online published: 2023-08-01
张泽宇 , 吴晓静 , 梁一鹏 , 张晓霞 , 查同刚 . 乌拉山废弃矿山生态恢复的近自然植被空间配置模式[J]. 干旱区研究, 2023 , 40(7) : 1164 -1171 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.07.13
This study addresses the insufficient trade-offs between regional vegetation diversity and topographic differentiation during restoring vegetation processes in abandoned mines. Based on the basic principles of near-natural restoration, this study examines the primary factors determining a classification of different site types, clarifies the spatial distribution patterns of vegetation and near-natural vegetation configuration modes under various site types, and establishes a foundation for near-natural vegetation configuration for ecological restoration in abandoned mine areas. It is crucial to understand the features of the plant communities of various site types for the selection and allocation of species during the restoration of ecological services in abandoned mines. Herein, we employed field investigation and indoor analysis as our study methodologies, situated within abandoned mines of Inner Mongolia’s Wula Mountains. Using principal component, correlation, and cluster analyses, we chose nine indicators, including topographic features and soil properties (slope, slope position, slope direction, available phosphorus, total phosphorus, available potassium content, soil hardness, soil thickness, and soil texture), to identify the dominant site types. The variations in plant community traits (e.g., biomass and diversity) among different site types were then compared. Based on correlation analysis and principal component analysis, the results indicated that slope, slope location, and soil hardness were the key characteristics for classifying different types of sites. The research region was classified into three site type groups and nine site types. The biomass, vegetation coverage, Margalef richness index, and Shannon-Wiener diversity index are greater for the gentle-middle slope-medium hard soil site type, slope-middle slope-medium hard soil site type, and lower for the steep-middle slope-hard soil site type than for other site types. This is because of the variations in moisture, nutritional, and light conditions across the site types owing to topographic influences. In comparison to moderate slopes, steep slopes are more vulnerable to soil erosion caused by gravity and wind, as well as moisture and nutrient loss. Nutrient conditions are better at the downhill than in and on the slope due to the change in slope position. Additionally, too soft or too hard soil does not support the plants’ development. Consequently, the biomass and diversity of various site types on abandoned mining sites vary. Therefore, we must consider the effect of site conditions and create the spatial layout of vegetation according to distinct site types when creating near-natural vegetation for mine ecological restoration. We advise the herbaceous mode for poorer habitat types, such as the steep-middle slope-hard soil site type (with a configuration ratio of perennial herb∶annual herb = 4∶1). We recommend the irrigation and grass mode for better-maintained areas. Examples of these site types include gentle-middle slope-medium hard soil (with a configuration ratio of perennial herb∶annual herb∶shrub or semi-shrub = 5∶4∶1) and slope-middle slope-medium hard soil (with a configuration ratio of perennial herb: annual herb: shrub or semi-shrub = 7∶2∶1).
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