收稿日期: 2022-09-15
修回日期: 2022-11-09
网络出版日期: 2023-03-31
Water source of spruce (Picea schrenkiana) at different altitudes in the Tianshan Mountains during the growing season
Received date: 2022-09-15
Revised date: 2022-11-09
Online published: 2023-03-31
森林生态系统在全球陆地水循环过程中扮演重要的角色,在保护水资源方面有关键作用。雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)是我国天山森林生态系统的建群种,雪岭云杉的水分来源研究有助于理解植物对干旱区山地环境的适应。采用氧稳定同位素和IsoSource混合模型估算2200 m、1800 m和1450 m 3个海拔雪岭云杉生长季(4—9月)的水分来源并分析其动态变化。结果表明:(1) 3个海拔土壤水的18O在4月贫化,5—9月富集,1450 m海拔茎秆水δ18O值在月份之间变化幅度最大,6—9月3个海拔雪岭云杉茎秆水18O逐渐富集;(2) 整个生长季0~0.2 m土壤水为3个海拔雪岭云杉贡献一半以上的水源,表层土壤水平均贡献率从高海拔到低海拔依次为61.37%、51.35%和58.42%,在5—6月雪岭云杉倾向平均利用各层土壤水,雪岭云杉生长季的水分吸收层没有明显地转移。雪岭云杉主要吸收0~0.2 m土壤水,在发生降雨时可以快速吸收水分,改善水文状况,减小极端降雨的危害,因此,加强雪岭云杉林的保护与抚育管理,可以有效提高了森林水源涵养能力,充分发挥其生态效益。
关键词: 雪岭云杉; 稳定同位素; IsoSource模型; 水分来源
田胜川 , 赵善超 , 郑新军 , 王玉刚 , 李彦 . 天山不同海拔雪岭云杉生长季水分来源[J]. 干旱区研究, 2023 , 40(3) : 436 -444 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.03.10
Picea schrenkiana is a typical constructive species in the Chinese Tianshan forest ecosystem with important ecological values. In this study, P. schrenkiana at three altitude gradients were selected to study its water sources during the growing season (June to September) in the natural forest conservation area of the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains. The hydrogen-oxygen stable isotope technique was used to determine the δ18O values of xylem water and soil water levels. In addition, the relationships between xylem water or soil water δ18O values and altitude were analyzed, and the IsoSource model was used to quantify the water sources of P. schrenkiana at different altitudes. The results showed that: (1) the δ18O of soil water at the three elevations were depleted in April and enriched from May to September. The δ18O values of stem water at 1450 m elevation showed the greatest variation between months, while the δ18O of stem water was gradually enriched at the three elevations from June to September; (2) the 0-0.2 m soil water contributed more than half of the P. schrenkiana water requirement at the three elevations during the growing season, with the surface soil water average contribution rates of 61.37%, 51.35%, and 58.42% in the high, middle, and low elevations, respectively. In May and June, P. schrenkiana tended to use soil water in all layers equally, and no significant shift in the plant water uptake was observed during the growing season. In addition, the water absorption of P. schrenkiana mainly occurred at 0-0.2 m soil water level, suggesting that it could rapidly absorb rainfall water, which can improve soil hydrology and reduce the damage caused by extreme rainfall. Therefore, strengthening the protection management of P. schrenkiana forests can effectively improve the water conservation capacity of forests and enhance their ecological benefits.
Key words: Picea schrenkiana; stable isotopes; IsoSource model; water source
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