收稿日期: 2021-12-29
修回日期: 2022-03-01
网络出版日期: 2023-01-17
Temporal and spatial variation of vegetation ecological quality and its driving mechanism in Aksu prefecture
Received date: 2021-12-29
Revised date: 2022-03-01
Online published: 2023-01-17
植被生态质量是评价陆地生态系统的重要指标,如何使用遥感技术研究植被质量状况时空演变规律对生态文明建设具有重要的参考价值。阿克苏地区作为我国典型的气候变化敏感区与生态环境脆弱区,研究其植被生态状况具有重要的现实意义。本文结合多源遥感数据与气象观测资料,探究了阿克苏地区2000—2021年生长季5—9月植被生态质量时空变化及其对气候变化与人类活动的响应。结果表明:(1) 2000—2021年,阿克苏地区植被覆盖度、植被净初级生产力呈上升趋势,植被“绿度”显著提升;(2) 2000—2021年,阿克苏地区植被生态质量呈稳步上升趋势,且绿洲边缘荒漠、裸地区域植被生态质量上升区域面积显著扩张;(3) 阿克苏绝大部分地区的植被生态质量指数(VEQI)变化的主导因素为人类活动,而仅在温宿县北部等小部分区域,气候变化主导了VEQI的变化。本文利用多个植被生态参数分析了阿克苏地区近22 a植被生态质量时空变化及其驱动因素,可为地区生态文明建设提供数据基础和技术支撑。
方贺 , 严佩文 , 石见 , 康娟 , 刘海蓉 , 陈丹 , 罗继 , 徐栋 . 阿克苏地区植被生态质量时空变化及其驱动机制[J]. 干旱区研究, 2022 , 39(6) : 1907 -1916 . DOI: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.06.21
Under the guidance of the theory of “Two mountains”, the construction of ecological civilization has been vigorously promoted in Aksu prefecture. Today a new path of high-quality development giving priority to ecological conservation and green development with Aksu characteristics has been found in Aksu prefecture. The vegetation ecological quality information is an important index to evaluate land ecosystems. Applying remote sensing technology to research vegetation ecological quality spatiotemporal variation offers practical scientific applications for developing eco-civilization. Aksu prefecture is typical sensitive area of climate change and fragile area of vegetation ecological environment in China, thus, it has a great practical significance to study vegetation ecological status in Aksu prefecture. Combined with multi-source remote sensing data and meteorological observation data, in this paper, we explore the temporal and spatial variations of vegetation ecological quality in the growing season (from July to September) and dominant factors of climate change and human activities in Asku prefecture from 2000 to 2021. The main result of this study as follows: (1) Both of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and net primary productivity (NPP) showed an upward trend, while the "green degree" of vegetation increased significantly in Asku prefecture from 2000 to 2020; (2) The vegetation ecological quality showed a fluctuating upward trend in Aksu from 2000 to 2020. The ecological quality of vegetation in desert and bare land area of oasis edge increased significantly; (3) The dominant factor of VEQI change in most areas of Aksu is human activities, while climate change dominates VEQI change only in a small number of areas such as the north of Wensu county. In this paper, the temporal and spatial variation of vegetation ecological quality and its driving factors in Aksu prefecture in recent 22 years were analyzed by using several vegetation ecological parameters, which could provide data base and technical support for ecological civilization construction.
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