干旱区研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 603-617.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.04.07 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20240407

• 水土资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


越大林1(), 李国荣1,2(), 李进芳1, 李希来3, 赵健赟1,2, 朱海丽1,2, 刘亚斌1,2, 胡夏嵩1   

  1. 1.青海大学地质工程系,青海 西宁 810016
    2.青藏高原北缘新生代资源环境重点实验室,青海 西宁 810016
    3.青海大学农牧学院,青海 西宁 810016
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-30 修回日期:2024-01-10 出版日期:2024-04-15 发布日期:2024-04-26
  • 通讯作者: 李国荣. E-mail: qdliguorong@163.com
  • 作者简介:越大林(2001-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事地质灾害及其防治研究. E-mail: 17782283634@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Soil wind erosion and nutrient loss in typical rodent mounds in a degraded alpine grassland in the Yellow River source zone

YUE Dalin1(), LI Guorong1,2(), LI Jinfang1, LI Xilai3, ZHAO Jianyun1,2, ZHU Haili1,2, LIU Yabin1,2, HU Xiasong1   

  1. 1. Department of Geological Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Resource & Environment in Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
    3. College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
  • Received:2023-06-30 Revised:2024-01-10 Published:2024-04-15 Online:2024-04-26


黄河源高寒草地啮齿动物活动区存在大量鼠丘,在干燥、大风等气候影响下极易产生土壤风蚀,为阐明鼠丘土壤风蚀侵蚀特征与规律,本研究以黄河源流域不同海拔与植被覆盖度下14个试验区的高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠鼠丘为研究对象,采用野外模拟风力侵蚀试验装置,对不同风速下各区域鼠丘土壤流失量及其养分流失规律进行分析和讨论。结果表明:(1) 鼠丘土壤风蚀量在各区域之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05),风速较小时,2种不同鼠丘土壤流失差异不显著,当风速增加到12 m·s-1时,高原鼠兔鼠丘土壤流失量>高原鼢鼠鼠丘土壤流失量(P<0.05);风速从3 m·s-1增大到12 m·s-1,2种鼠丘土壤流失的平均增幅分别为238.16%和146.31%。(2) 各试验区鼠丘土壤风蚀率总体呈现先快后慢的递减趋势,植被盖度是低风速下影响鼠丘土壤流失的显著因子,且与海拔高度有关。(3) 随草地退化程度加剧,土壤全氮含量、碱解氮、速效钾、有机质含量都有明显下降,而全磷、全钾、速效磷呈现上升的趋势。本研究表明黄河源不同区域鼠丘土壤风蚀作用的差异性与土壤含水率、颗粒大小、风速等密切相关。

关键词: 黄河源, 啮齿动物, 鼠丘, 土壤风蚀, 养分流失


Numerous rodent mounds are found in areas with rodent activity in alpine grasslands in the Yellow River source zone, and soil wind erosion easily occurs owing to the dry and windy climate. The present study investigated the characteristics and trends of soil wind erosion in rodent mounds using plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) and plateau zokor (Eospalax baileyi) mounds in 14 test areas at different altitudes and with different vegetation coverage in the Yellow River source basin. Field-simulated wind erosion was used to determine the trends of soil loss and nutrient loss in rodent mounds in different regions under different wind speeds. The results showed a significant difference in the amount of soil loss from wind erosion between the different regions (P<0.05). When the wind speed was low, there was no significant difference in soil loss between the two types of rodent mounds. When the wind speed was increased to 12 m·s-1, the soil loss in the plateau pika mound was greater than that in the plateau zokor mound (P<0.05). When the wind speed increased from 3 to 12 m·s-1, the average increase in soil loss in the two types of mounds was 238.16% and 146.31%, respectively. (2) The wind erosion rate of the mound soil in each test area generally showed a decreasing trend with decreasing wind speed. Vegetation coverage was a significant factor affecting the mound soil loss at low wind speeds and was related to altitude. (3) With an increase in grassland degradation levels, the soil total nitrogen content, available nitrogen, available potassium, and organic matter content decreased significantly, whereas total phosphorus, total potassium, and available phosphorus showed an upward trend. This study shows that the difference in soil wind erosion in different regions of the Yellow River source zone is closely associated with soil moisture content, particle size, and wind speed.

Key words: Yellow River source, rodents, rodent mound, soil wind erosion, nutrient loss