干旱区研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 629-639.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.05 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20210305

• 水资源及其利用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010018
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-22 修回日期:2020-11-11 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-06-17
  • 作者简介:翟佳伦(1995-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事湖泊水环境变化、修复与保护. E-mail: z1643341882@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Change law of water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration of Wuliangsu Sea in icebound period

ZHAI Jialun(),SHI Xiaohong(),LIU Yu,ZHAO Shengnan,BAO Wenzhi,LI Guohua   

  1. College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Received:2020-07-22 Revised:2020-11-11 Published:2021-05-15 Online:2021-06-17


采用Morlet小波分析法对2019年乌梁素海冰下水体的温度、溶解氧(DO)浓度进行趋势分析。结果表明:(1) 湖泊水体温度存在分层现象,同时,DO浓度也出现不同程度的分层现象。表层DO浓度近一个月时间内保持不变,中层、底层DO浓度随冰封时间的增长开始出现下降,中层下降速率为0.32 mg·L-1·d-1,底层下降速率为0.05 mg·L-1·d-1。(2) 表层水温主周期是25 d、16 d,在第一主周期下,周期约为15 d;DO浓度主周期是23 d,平均周期为15 d;中层水温主周期是14 d,DO浓度主周期是19 d、7.5 d,在第一主周期下,水温平均周期约为9 d,DO浓度平均周期为5 d;底层水温主周期是14 d、2.5 d,DO浓度主周期是24 d、10 d。水温变化周期约为8.5 d,DO浓度平均周期7 d左右。(3) 小波相干谱结果表明:湖泊水体温度与DO浓度存在复杂关系,表层、底层水温与DO浓度呈反相位关系;在2~4 d周期尺度上,中层水温变化要早于DO浓度变化约2~4 h。

关键词: 乌梁素海, 冰封期, 水温, 溶解氧, 小波变换


The wavelet analysis method was used to analyze the trend of temperature and oxygen concentration of a water body under ice in Ulansuhai in 2019, and the time series was one month: from January 24 to February 24, 2019. The results showed that the water temperature and oxygen concentration of the lake were stratified. The oxygen concentration in the surface layer did not change. However, the oxygen concentration decreased in the middle (0.32 mg·L-1∙d-1) and bottom (0.05 mg·L-1∙d-1) layer. The main period of static water temperature in the surface layer was 25 d and 16 d. Under the first principal period, the period was about 15 d. The main period of static oxygen concentration was 23 d, and the average period was 15 d. The main period of static water temperature in middle layer was 14 d, and the main period of static oxygen concentration was 19 d and 7.5 d. Under the first principal period, the average period of static water temperature was about 9 d, and the average period of static oxygen concentration was 5 d. The main period of water temperature in the bottom layer was 14 d and 2.5 d, and the oxygen concentration was 24 d and 10 d. The period of change in water temperature was about 8.5 d, and the average period of oxygen concentration was about 7 d. The wavelet coherence spectrum results showed that there is a complex relationship between lake water temperature and the oxygen concentration, suggesting the water temperature shows an inverse phase relationship with the oxygen concentration in the surface and bottom layer of the lake. Additionally, on the 2-4 d cycle scale, the change of water temperature in the middle layer was about 2-4 h ahead of the change in dissolved oxygen concentration.

Key words: Wuliangsu Sea, icebound period, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, wavelet transform