干旱区研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 929-937.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.22 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20180422

• 植物与植物生理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1. 山西大学,山西 太原 030006;2. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,甘肃 兰州 730000)
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-27 修回日期:2017-12-22 出版日期:2018-07-15 发布日期:2018-07-19
  • 作者简介:高冠龙(1988-),男,讲师,主要从事生态水文和植物生理生态方面的研究.Email: gaoguanlong@sxu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

An overview of stomatal and non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis of plants

Gao Guan-long1,Feng Qi2 ,Zhang Xiao-you2, Si Jian-hua2, Yu Teng-fei2   

  1. (1 Shanxi University, Taiyuan, 030006, Shanxi,China;2 Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, Lanzhou, 730000, Gansu,China.)
  • Received:2017-10-27 Revised:2017-12-22 Published:2018-07-15 Online:2018-07-19

摘要: 外界胁迫条件对植物生长和代谢的影响是多方面的,其中对光合作用的影响尤为突出。植物叶片的光合作用是影响生产力和产量高低的重要因素,因此,植物光合作用及其机制仍是当前植物生理生态领域研究的热点问题。然而,在自然或人工控制条件下,光合作用主要受气孔还是非气孔因子的限制,目前尚无定论。本文从气孔与非气孔限制值的计算方法、不同条件下植物叶片光合作用的气孔与非气孔限制以及对光合作用的影响三个方面展开了讨论:①对(相对)气孔与非气孔限制值的各种计算方法进行了总结,并分析了各种计算方法的局限性,为判断一定条件下光合作用的主要限制因子提供依据。②对以往光合作用的气孔与非气孔限制研究中涉及的外界胁迫条件进行了分类,从人工控制条件(水分胁迫、盐碱胁迫、多因子复合胁迫)及自然条件等方面进行了总结。③分析了气孔与非气孔限制因子对光合作用的影响途径。在未来的研究工作中,揭示和探讨同一物种在不同生长发育阶段、不同生境类型(水热盐养、人工控制与自然环境)等条件下的气孔与非气孔限制因子的变化特征与影响机理,这将是其发展趋势和重点方向。

关键词: 植物叶片, 光合作用, 气孔限制, 非气孔限制, 水分胁迫, 研究综述


External stresses affect the plant growth and metabolism in a number of ways, especially the photosynthesis (Pn). As Pn is an important factor affecting productivity, the study on its mechanism is still a hot issue in the field of plant physiology and ecology. Pn, however, is mainly restricted by stomatal or non-stomatal factors, and it has not been determined yet. This paper mainly discussed the methods for calculating the stomatal and non-stomatal limit values (Ls and Ci (sub-stomatal CO2 concentration)/gs (the stomatal conductance)), stomatal and non-stomatal limitations under different stresses and the effects on Pn: (1) We summarized the methods for calculating the (relative) Ls and Ci /gs values, which could be the basis for judging the main restriction factors; (2) We classified the external stresses and summarized the achievements from the aspects of manual controlling conditions (water, salt-alkali and multi-factor stresses) and natural conditions of the previous studies; (3) We analyzed the impact ways of stomatal and non-stomatal factors on Pn. The features of the Ls and Ci /gs, values and the mechanisms of one species at different growth and development stages and in different habitats (hydrothermal, salty, nutrient, and artificial and natural conditions) were explored and discussed, and this will be the key trend and direction for researching.

Key words: plant leaves, photosynthesis, stomatal limitation, non-stomatal limitation, water stress, research summary